Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I've spent the past two days trying to get my residency evaluations done. I'm really close. I have two left to write about to reach the minimum number of 12. I think I will write about one more, just because. I've already finished the two other parts of the evaluation.

I had promised myself I would write two pages a day on my chapter. I didn't quite achieve this goal, but I do have a good start on it. I was really having trouble writing, so I did that exercise I mentioned yesterday. It got me going and today the words came out more easily and looked better on the page.

Tomorrow I am going back to work. It's about the last thing I want to do. I can see how I could be a full time student and be totally and completely happy. I never realized how burned out I was about my job until I went to college and actually worked myself into delirium and still didn't want to stop. But I'll just have to get over it.

I have this plan that I will try to get a lot done at work in the morning. I don't see what I really have to do, besides the newsletter. If I get everything done early, over lunch and afterward I can work guiltlessly on writing and finishing my evaluations. There won't be any law students there for the rest of the week, so it seems like a good time to use what extra time I have to get writing done. I could even close my door to keep people from bothering me.

Yesterday I sussed out some places to sell flash fiction and I want to send something in soon. I should set a goal for myself with regard to this. I also want to write a microfiction for the next issue of The First Line.

I need to decide which books I want to read first off my reading list. I'm thinking short stories by Flannery O'Connor and one of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez novels. Maybe Love in the Time of Cholera since I have it on my computer.

Midnight. Time to sleep.

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