Friday, October 19, 2007

No packet yet

So I haven't gotten my packet back yet.

There is a lot of stress in my life right now. One of our cats is in the hospital having this scary surgery. He's been there since Wednesday and the surgery is today. They haven't called yet. I woke up in the night and couldn't sleep because I was thinking about him, all by himself, not knowing where we are. I know he always misses Marc, even when he, the cat, is home and Marc is gone for a few days, so I can't imagine what he's going through now. He's never been away from home this long before.

Anyway, because of this, I haven't been obsessing like I usually do about when my packet will arrive. Every other time, it's gotten here either Wedsday, Thursday or Friday, so I really do expect it to come today. I didn't feel that great about it when I sent it, but I took some of the writing to my writers' group and everyone really liked it. So maybe Pete will also like it. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Unlikely.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Felicity said...

My cat has been scaring me too. She got wounded, probably by a dog they say. She's miserable and hates the radar-dish collar soooo much. It's a pretty nasty wound, and she doesn't have much in the way of common sense to help her heal without aggravating it.