Saturday, July 14, 2007

Progress Report

The writing has been coming along. I have ten pages now of my first chapter and I think I'm within five pages of finishing it. I'm not horribly unhappy with it, although it does still need some work.

I had a conference call with my roommates today. I thought about inviting Felicity to join us, but it was a little logistically difficult to get everyone to meet up at the same time because we are so widely spread out, each one of us in a different time zone. Maybe next time. Felicity, if you're reading, let me know if you would like to join in on some future conference call. We read and talked about work. It was helpful.

I'm going to take Tuesday off to get the last of my work done for the first packet. I still am working on reading commentaries, but they don't seem that difficult. Mostly I want to get as much fiction written as possible, because you only get five exchanges each semester and I want to make them count. If I could get my first chapter to be 15 pages, I'd still have five to write one of the Salome/Descendant stories. I've been brewing the one called Disciple in a cauldron over a slow fire.


Felicity said...

Conference call? Like an Art Barn in a telephone? Interestin'.

Did I tell you my own imagined metaphor for my creative process is a cauldron wherein the ideas cook until bobbing to the top for writing? If not, that is eery ;P

Adrianna said...

You did not tell me that, no. Hmmm. Great minds think alike. :)

Yes, the conference call is like the Art Barn. We've only done it once so far. People have to learn to not talk all at once, but it's kind of fun to have everyone on at the same time. I'll let you know the next time we are doing it.